Monday, April 8, 2013

Direct and Indirect Objects
Step One: Read Below
In a sentence the direct object is a noun or a pronoun that is receiving the action of the verb. The direct object can sometimes be followed by another object. This is called the indirect object. An indirect object is a noun or pronoun in which the action is done for.
Here are some examples:

Direct object: Angela told the news. In finding the direct object you need to first find the verb.  The verb in this sentence is"told".  Next thing you have to do is find the subject.  In order to find the subject, ask yourself "who or what told?"   The answer would be:"Angela told."  Now you know the subject.   Afterwards you have to think, "Angela told what", in order to find the direct object.  "Angela told the news." So in this case "news" would be your direct object.  

Indirect objects: Angela told her friends the news. To find the indirect object you still have to first find your verb like you did above as well as your subject and determine if there is a direct object.  Please note, if there is not a direct object, then the sentence cannot have an indirect object.  But you know that the sentence above has a direct object.  However, a sentence can have an indirect object if you are able to answer the question: To whom or what did Angela tell the news? "Angela told her friends the news" so "friends" would be the indirect object.
Still confused? Maybe this video will help.

Step Two: Watch The Video
Watch this quick 3 minute video to see if you understand direct and indirect objects. This video will also show you how to diagram a sentence so you can see if you have found the correct direct object and indirect object.

Step Three: Find the Direct and Indirect Objects
Find the direct and indirect objects. Some just have direct objects.

1) The boy gave Suzy apple baby food.

2) Gary likes mashed potatoes with sour cream.

3) My mother gave me a shiny penny.

4) Selina hates biting her fingernails.

Step Four: Take the Quiz For Practice
Go to this cite and take a quick test to see if you can find the direct and indirect objects. Click Start now and begin taking the quiz. Read the directions carefully. Be prepared for a quiz in class too.

Step Five: Write 5 sentences that have direct objects and indirect objects.  Identify the direct objects and indirect objects like this:

Example: Lani sang me a silly love song.  Songs=D.O. Me= I.O.

Posting Assignment=25 points.
Post  your five sentences by next Monday, April 15th and be prepared for a quick quiz on Direct Objects, Indirect Objects and Passive and Active verbs (voice).  Quiz is on 4/15.