Monday, August 27, 2012

The Aesthetics of Language

Sarah Kay: If I should have a daughter ...

Click on the link below to view a performance by spoken poetry artist Sarah Kay.

After viewing the video, choose one phrase/section that you really like and comment on how Sarah Kay manipulates language to make the content aesthetically pleasing.  In other words, what does she say that “moves” you and how does she say it?  Think in terms of every literary device you have every learned.

One thing you might want to focus on is how she uses allusions (A Reference to Something Historical, Cultural, Biblical, or Mythical).  An allusion is a literary device that also appears within essays and speeches.

Because you have so many reading and writing assignments this week, you do not need to comment on what your peers say unless you would like to send them a message.

Your response is due by Sunday, September 2nd at Midnight.