Monday, August 6, 2012

Modes of Discourse and Aristotel's Triangle

George Clooney working with Sudanese People

Click on the link above and Read the New York Times article and View the five minute video in which George Clooney addresses The United States Congress.

Read the entire directions and my discourse below before responding to the post:>).

Think about what you learned about writing this week in terms of Modes of Discourse and Aristotle's Rhetorical Triangle and choose One Option in which you respond to the article or the video by writing one supporting paragraph.  Due By Sunday, August 12th, Midnight.

Option 1.) Discuss what you think is the dominant mode of discourse within the text or within the video and highlight what you think is the author’s purpose. Remember to do the following:
  • Use a salutation of "Dear Ms. Carlson."
  • Close your posting with "Sincerely" or "Respectfully" and your name.
  • Write in complete sentences and utilize what you now should understand about topic sentences, supporting sentences, and unity.  Refer to your grammar homework given on Monday, August 6th.  The details are located within your syllabus.  If you lost your syllabus, refer to your Engrade account where you can find your syllabus on the first of each month within the Calendar section.
 Option 2.) Explain the the use of Aristotle’s Rhetorical triangle within the article or the video. Remember to do the following:
  • Use a salutation of "Dear Ms. Carlson."
  • Close your posting with "Sincerely" or "Respectfully" and your name.
  • Write in complete sentences and utilize what you now should understand about topic sentences, supporting sentences, and unity. Refer to your grammar homework given on Monday, August 6th. The details are located within your syllabus. If you lost your syllabus, refer to your Engrade account where you can find your syllabus on the first of each month within the Calendar section.

  • Try not to repeat the thoughts of others unless you agree or disagree with them.  If you use the thoughts of someone else, remember to cite their name within your response and add additional information to their existing thoughts.  In other words, do not  just echo what someone already said; you must add more comments that either support or refute their posting.  Please know that you do not have to discuss someone's posting.  You may simply respond to Option 1 or Option 2 as long as what you are saying is something different from what has already been posted in terms of supporting details.

                          To Refresh Your Memory

    Four Modes of Discourse
    1)     Exposition= writing that explains or informs
    2)     Narration=writing that tells a story
    3)     Description=writing that appeals to the five senses
    4)     Argument/Persuasion= writing that presents a position in hopes that a reader will accept an assertion
    Writing rarely uses only a single mode of discourse (connective speech or writing that is longer than a sentence).  However, even though more than one mode may be used, there is a dominant mode used by an author based on the author’s purpose for writing.

    You may Google Aristotle's Triangle if I have not taught this yet.

    Remember: Respond to only Option 1 or Option 2. 
    Due By Sunday, August 12th, Midnight.

    *****This time you do not need to respond to your peers.  Just respond to me.  You may comment on what they said, but please refer to my directions above.